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Judaism's Strange Gods

audiobook Judaism's Strange Gods by Michael Hoffman in History


The complete and accurate story of the Beslan School Siege that occurred in Russia on September 1; 2004. This book tells the untold story about the victims; the soldiers who were there and the history of the events leading up to the tragic incident. But more than just the story; this book highlights the lessons America's school system can learn from the tragedy to protect itself from terrorism.

#1753358 in Books 2000-08-30Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 #File Name: 0970378408144 pages

15 of 17 people found the following review helpful. Tradition's of MenBy Joseph ArechigaWow! This book helped solve some huge questions I had about the bible. In 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 it says that it's "shameful for women to speak" and that they should not talk in church. "As the law also says"I could never find a verse in the Old Testament where it said women had to shut up.So at church they would have women preachers and we just ignored this verse but it always bugged me.Till I read this book and then you learn that in the Talmud which is considered "law" by Jews (but not by Jesus or Paul) it says women are basically morons; who need to shut up."A woman's voice is prohibited because it is sexually provocative" (Talmud; Berachot 24a). *"Women are sexually seductive; mentally inferior; socially embarrassing; and spiritually separated from the law of Moses; therefore; let them be silent" (summary of Talmudic sayings). *The Talmud Called the Voice of a Woman "Shameful" *"It is a shame for a woman to let her voice be heard among men" (Talmud; Tractate Kiddushin) *"The voice of a woman is filthy nakedness" (Talmud; Berachot Kiddushin)So 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 is Paul's retort to a Talmud quoting Judaizer in Corinth who probably freaked out when he saw women baptized in the Holy Spirit prophesying; speaking in tongues; and doing other miraculous kinds of things.That's why Paul tells him (my paraphrase) I know the Talmud too. All people (women too) should desire to speak in tongues and prophesy and if you don't agree you're ignorant so be quiet.This book really drives home the point that tradition based religion really destroys the bible. The Talmud and the Catholic Catechism should both be handled carefully and never raised above the Torah or Bible or you will get something broken.I also learned that the Talmud teaches that it's okay for Jews to lie and cheat Gentiles. This breaks the 9th commandment.Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.So there are tons of examples where the Talmud makes the law of God (the bible) of none effect.Excellent book if you love the Bible.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy Jim MillerVery informative. Gerald Haggi needs a copy!!!!!!!!10 of 12 people found the following review helpful. Every American Christian needs to know what's in this book.By Joe A.This is one of those books that on the surface appears to contain distorted bigoted lies or at best half-truths. However so far everything I have been able to check has proven to be correct. Prior to purchasing this book I also bought a complete 18 volume Talmud set so I could verify it myself. Wow! Much of what is called the word of God by modern Jews is absolute Biblical blasphemy. The worst part is that the American Christian Church has created a Jewish identity that does not actually exist in God's word; and then filtered much of our theology (and along with that the worship of Israel) through those lies. We are embracing lies and think we are on a solid biblical foundation. It is no wonder the American Christian Church is losing more and more influence in our nation. Every Christian; or at least every Christian leader; needs to know the facts revealed in this book.

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