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Infernal Machines the Story of Confederate Submarine

DOC Infernal Machines the Story of Confederate Submarine by Milton F. Perry in History


A candid and truthful appraisal of the economic; financial; and social problems the Confederacy had to face.-Saturday Review of Literature In this groundbreaking study; Charles W. Ramsdell maintains that deficiencies on the homefront were fundamental to the collapse of the Confederacy. The war; he argues; raised unexpected problems that the southern people were unprepared to solve. Weakened and demoralized; the civilian population could not adequately support its armies; causing the Confederacy to break down from within long before the military situation appeared desperate. PRAISE FOR THE BOOK "Stephenson's admirable Foreword and his bibliography of Ramsdell's writings give the book something of the character of a memorial volume that makes it the more welcome."-C. Vann Woodward Walter Lynwood Fleming Lectures in Southern History Charles W. Ramsdell (1877-1942) was professor of history at the University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of Reconstruction in Texas and A School History of Texas.

#9190845 in Books 1965-06Original language:English #File Name: 080710647X


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