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In Memory's Kitchen: A Legacy from the Women of Terezin

DOC In Memory's Kitchen: A Legacy from the Women of Terezin by Michael Berenbaum in History


In recent years; Americans have become frustrated with the troubled relationship between religion and politics: an exclusive claim on faith and values from the right and a radical divorce of faith from politics on the left. Now a new generation of religious leaders is re-envisioning religion in public life; leading grassroots movements to go beyond partisan politics to work for a more just and inclusive society. Progressive Religious tells the dynamic stories of these leaders.Through nearly 100 in-depth interviews with Jewish; Christian; Muslim; and Buddhist leaders; this book explains how they are tapping the deep connections between religion and social justice to work on issues like poverty and worker's rights; the environment; health care; pluralism; and human rights. Interviewees include David Saperstein; Michael Lerner; Jim Wallis; Brian McLaren; Feisal Abdul Rauf; Eboo Patel; Kecia Ali; Lama Surya Das; Robert Thurman; and E. J. Dionne.

#213588 in Books Jason Aronson; Inc. 2006-03-10 2006-03-10Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.90 x .46 x 6.22l; .55 #File Name: 0742546462160 pages

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Amazing Story of Women and the Anthropology of CookingBy sclairetWhat we eat and cook for our families is of such elemental importance to our survival and our history. Recipes say so much about a cook's culture and life. To me; there seems to be something in cooking (and in textiles) that relates deeply to women; particularly to women who have cooked for their families. There is love of food; love of the people you feed.In this book; starving women in the Terezin Nazi Concentration Camp remembered the foods they'd cooked for their families and wrote down the recipes on scraps of paper; on onion skins; anything they could find. The book was smuggled out but only decades later did the person who had them find the daughter of the woman who'd gathered them together.The book is in Czech and English.I'm not sure I'll ever make anything from this book; but it's a treasure to have. It's a treasure to share something so important to these women.8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. A Treasure Trove of HopeBy JKI gave this book as a gift to friend and immediately asked to borrow it so I could read it. The strength and fortitude of the women of Terezin is nothing short of immutable and awe-inspiring. To find the strength to recount such memories of tradition; love and family in the face of incomprehensible and dire circumstances is a true testament to the human spirit. Of all of the stories to survive the Holocaust; this is certainly one of the most inspiring. That any of this survived is a miracle; and a sincere honor to the women who wrote these recipes; poems and stories. You may never cook a single recipe from this book; but you'll definitely hand it down with your other family recipes.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Beautiful BookBy S. CUSTOMERThis is a beautiful book which remembers those that suffered in Theresienstadt concentration camp. While starving under the Nazi regime; a group of women tried to add normalcy in their lives by discussing recipes and cooking with their mouths in absence of real food and kitchens. These women wrote a cookbook for one of the ladies' daughters but the lady died before she could give it to her. A lot of people did not want this book published but it is beautiful. Nothing can change what happened but this little book might serve as a substitute for millions of little books like this that were denied to young women. The culture should pass on to future generations.Some of the recipes are usable. You can find a recreation from the book if you google: "kisses from a concentration camp" .

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