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How I Stopped Being a Jew

ePub How I Stopped Being a Jew by Shlomo Sand in History


Troy: one of the most captivating and mysterious stories of antiquity… But was Troy an actual place or just a legend of Homer's epic? It took the most unlikely of people; Heinrich Schliemann―a grocer's-apprentice turned self-made archaeologist; courageous and driven―to solve one of the greatest puzzles in history. His extraordinary discovery of the ruins of fabled Troy and the magnificent treasure of King Priam anointed Schliemann as the 'father of pre-history'; but was also beset by controversy that persists to this day. The fate of the treasure itself is no less troubled. In 1945 it was spirited out of Berlin by the Red Army; to be hidden for 50 years in the vaults of the Pushkin Museum until the breakup of the Soviet Union. In this fast-paced account; Caroline Moorehead describes one of the most remarkable adventures of the 20th century; tracing Schliemann's footsteps to Troy and the convoluted journey across Europe taken by the treasure itself.

#750634 in Books imusti 2014-10-07 2014-10-07Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.51 x .54 x 5.69l; 1.25 #File Name: 1781686149112 pagesVerso

29 of 32 people found the following review helpful. Sand against the sacred cowsBy Sergio LipkinThe title of this book should be "The invention of Secular Judaism"; and in this way it would naturally close the trilogy that started with "The Invention of Jewish People" and was followed by "The Invention of the Land of Israel". Among Sand's discussion on those three inventions; the one referred to secular judaism (the object of the new book) is perhaps the most directed to the jewish public; or likely to have jews as the most interested readers. The central subject relates to the jewish identity; a question that simply has been torturing jews around the world at least since the end of nineteen century. Sand is not absolutely interested in doing any type of proselitism: he does not want to convince any jew to stop being jewish as he did. Sand simply wants to dramatically invoke all jews to deeply re-think and face fearless the identity question again as he thinks this is the crux of the matter of all historical contraditions between Judaism an Zionism (and he is surely echoing Boas Evron call in this same direction; as stated on his magnific 1995 book - Jewish State or Israeli Nation? ).Like his arguments or not; the book is certainly extremely rich as a source for relevant subjects in the discussion agenda of the jewish identity question. Like his conclusions or not; the point is that it is almost impossible not to see and feel an overall beauty in the last chapter remarks; where Sand let the reader get in contact with his profound and declared love for Israel; something really amazing when contrasted with the usual image of "Israel traitor" drawn by many of Sand's detractors.After reading the chapter last lines; I had the impression that Sand would like to tell us; among other things; that to keep faithfully loving Israel; a non-religious and pro-enlightment israeli jew must "leave judaism" in a very precise way: by getting rid of any kind of secular messianic concept of jewish redemption; by recognizing that jewishness is not a sufficient condition for nation building and that it's prominent consideration involves a very high token to pay in terms of exclusion and descrimination. For "diasporic" jews; Sand's conclusion seems to raise a similar dramatic and "revolutionary" question: in order to "save" both Liberal Judaism and Liberal Zionism; they must be divorced: jews must establish a radical separation between their community affiliation and the national project of the Israeli people. Hard questions; difficult thoughts. But we cannot avoid them anymore.Thank you Sand; for this conceptual earthquake.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A must for every Jew todayBy Florencia DavidzonI really like this book; he covers many of my own questions and concerns but seeing from an Israeli perspective; not the gola like my case. I really appreciate with critical thinking; his honest dilemmas and the data he shares of the inequities inside Israel for non Jews. A very challenging and interest book ; very fast to read.2 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Another Sand StormBy Thomas J. HatchPerhaps a more felicitous title for this book might have been The Myth of the Secular Jew; or better yet; The Impossibility of Secular Zionism. While in a universe unaffected by the self-anointed hasbara literary death squad this worthwhile and thoughtful little book would warrant a four star rating. I gave it five stars to counterbalance those who would rate it without a reading (literally) and think Leon Uris a first rate historian and the sectarian militia commonly known as the IDF is the world's most moral army.

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