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Hitler's Berchtesgaden: A Guide to Third Reich Sites in the Berchtesgaden and Obersalzberg Area

ebooks Hitler's Berchtesgaden: A Guide to Third Reich Sites in the Berchtesgaden and Obersalzberg Area by Geoffrey R. Walden in History


The defeat of Napoleon’s French army by the combined forces of Wellington and Blücher at Waterloo on 18 June 1815 was a turning point in world history. This was the climax of the Napoleonic Wars; and the outcome had a major influence on the shape of Europe for the next century and beyond. The battle was a milestone; and it cannot be properly understood without a detailed; on-the-ground study of the landscape in which it was fought – and that is the purpose of David Buttery’s new battlefield guide. In vivid detail; using eyewitness accounts and an intimate knowledge of the terrain; he reconstructs Waterloo and he takes the reader – and the visitor – across the battleground as it is today. He focuses on the pivotal episodes in the fighting – the day-long struggle for the chateau at Hougoumont; the massive French infantry assaults; repeated cavalry charges; the fall of La Haye Sainte; the violent clashes in the village of Plancenoit; the repulse of the Imperial Guard and rout of the French army. This thoroughgoing; lucid; easy-to-follow guide will be a fascinating introduction for anyone who seeks to understand what happened on that momentous day; and it will be an essential companion for anyone who explores the battlefield in Belgium.

#554675 in Books imusti 2015-03-19 2015-03-19Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.10 x .40 x 6.40l; .70 #File Name: 1781552266160 pagesFonthill Media Ltd

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Decent review of the Berchtesgaden area for a touristBy PBOI visited Berchtesgaden a couple times in the early 1980's when I was in the Army stationed in Germany. I found this area of southern Germany captivating. As a WWII buff this place is loaded with history. I already own several books with awesome photos of this area and the Eagle's Nest. Some bought in the local bookshops.This is a nice addition to my collection. However; it is written and geared toward a walking or driving tour of the area. If you are reading the book 7000 miles away; it is tough to "visualize" traversing the sites referenced in the book. Probably more photos and maps might have made this book excellent for an armchair general.Not a bad book; but the format could be more user friendly for the remote viewer.6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Do not consider traveling to this area without this book!!By History StudentThis book is an invaluable resource; and is a must-have if you have an interest in this part of history or are traveling to the area. In this book you will get detailed accounts of the buildings and landmarks where history was written.Having never been there; and hoping to travel soon; this book outlines most of the most interesting and significant destinations worth visiting. With precise coordinates and estimated travel times; this work will help you plan and budget your time to ensure you schedule accordingly. The book suggests the most efficient tours; gives tips on when to visit; what to look out for; even when to get in line for certain excursions and where to stand or sit to get the best views.Each destination has along with its coordinates pictures and background stories to help put in perspective what you are looking at and the significance behind it. Whether you are a well-versed historian or a novice; you will find something new.It is possible to be interested in this history without being a sympathizer; and the author maintains a genuine interest in the history and delivers information free from any agenda one way or the other. The book is a brief read yet covers everything you need to feel like you are prepared to visit and take advantage of the time you have to look around. I cannot recommend this book enough.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Where was this book when I visited Berchtesgaden years ago ...By DaveNYCWhere was this book when I visited Berchtesgaden years ago? S much history was right under my eyes then and had no way to know it then. I am loving how this book; with all its gorgeous pictures; is letting me relive mu trip through new eeyes.

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