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Hitler: 1889-1936 Hubris

DOC Hitler: 1889-1936 Hubris by Ian Kershaw in History


With a new introduction by the author; a seminal study of Lebanon’s past; present; and future. With the West’s economic and security interests increasingly at stake in the Middle East; it is impossible to ignore Lebanon―a nation in all ways divided and tormented by the interplay between the West and the Arab world. Sandra Mackey delineates the multifarious culture that is Lebanon; carefully stripping away the complex stigmas of Lebanese politics; she brings each component into focus; priming readers on the conflicts between Sunni and Shia; Maronites and Druze; Christian and Muslim; Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization; Lebanon and Palestine; and Syria and Lebanon. Covering Lebanon’s history through the civil war of 1975­89; and with a new introduction on recent developments; Mackey lays the groundwork needed to comprehend this often ill-understood country―offering insight into its role as the gateway between West and East; and bringing clarity of focus to the schisms that serve to divide and define Lebanon.

#322136 in Books Ian Kershaw 2000-04-17Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.20 x 1.60 x 6.10l; 2.52 #File Name: 0393320359912 pagesHitler 1889 1936 Hubris

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. He also gives what is likely the best account of Hitler's early years and how he came ...By J. Karl CummingsVery compelling explanation of the rise of Hitler. Kershaw does an incredible job of explaining how Hitler was able to harness the public emotions of the post-WWI years to become the leader of a fringe political party that eventually was elected into office with mass public support. He also gives what is likely the best account of Hitler's early years and how he came to develop his "world view". This volume ends with the remilitarization of the Rhineland and shows the culmination of the dictatorial powers that the German public willingly gave to Hitler.4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. How could Hitler happen? Start your investigation hereBy Jason RussellA phenomenal biography in every way. Kershaw is a fantastic writer. I now have four of his volumes on my shelves.One of the most astonishing sections of this book is on page 427. After Hindenburg brought Hitler into the government as Chancellor; Erich von Ludendorff; another World War I legend; wrote to Hindenburg; "You have delivered up our holy German Fatherland to one of the greatest demagogues of all time. I solemnly prophesy that this accursed man will cast our Reich into the abyss and bring our nation to inconceivable misery. Future generations will damn you in your grave for what you have done.”2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Hitler.....a most terrible tyrant and destroyer of our human values.By Dr. Paul SneiderAn excellent study; showing aspects of his life that are generally unknown.Is there a follow up to the end of his life in Kindle?Yet; it still does not solve the mystery of his extreme behavior. Was it perhaps in his ability ofpublic speaking that enthralled his audiences and resulted in his huge success and the blind loyaltyof his vast following? His megalomania certainly increased disproportionately as his so called successes increased.Mr. Kershaw is a very astute observer; and his chronicle is a really excellent account of this most terrible and cruel manwhose madness nearly destroyed our civilized world. I would dearly love to see if there is a final sequel written bythis great authority.

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