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Half the Church: Recapturing God's Global Vision for Women

ebooks Half the Church: Recapturing God's Global Vision for Women by Carolyn Custis James in History


During the premodern period; Japan had significant political; economic and cultural relations with Korea. This book purports that this period; from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century; was the formative stage of the East Asian diplomacy and ideology which laid the foundations for foreign relations between these two countries in the modern period. The book also investigates how Japan's and Korea's political and diplomatic ideologies emerged as a nascent form of nationalism which scholars have not previously clarified.

#38308 in Books HarperCollins Christian Pub. 2015-06-02 2015-06-02Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.39 x .59 x 5.47l; .45 #File Name: 0310522668208 pages

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. James takes a global look at women and digs deep in the scripture to offer hope to half the church.By EuroShanA must-read by both women and men - to have a correct understanding of the empowerment of women by God through the scriptures. James provides an passionate and scholarly examination of the female role of "ezer" - not just as a helper to man; but as an inextricable contributor to the family of God and His church. Many church fellowships open wide the door to women as leaders; pastors; teachers; evangelists and missionaries. However; many women around the world are restricted by poor theology. James takes a global look at women and digs deep in the scripture to offer hope to half the church. Thank you Carolyn Custis James!1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A challenging book that speaks to our timesBy Felicity DaleI’ve read a couple of books by Carolyn Custis James. Her book;The Gospel of Ruth: Loving God Enough to Break the Rules is an unusual and inspiring look at the book of Ruth and how it communicates the truths of the gospel.Half the Church: Recapturing God’s Global Vision for Women is another book on women; but from a different perspective. It covers two major areas:The loss that occurs when women believe there are limits on how God will use them. This loss isn’t just to half the church whose vision of God’s purposes for their lives is stifled; but also to the men who are carrying a weight of burden they were meant to share with us. God meant us to build his Kingdom together.A global tragedy is underway as women and girls are suffering the worst kinds of injustices. In Half the Church; Custis James examines some of the atrocities going on around the world toward women. What is the church doing about oppression and injustice to women? Apart from a few Christian organizations; most of the church is too busy and just ignores their plight.Half the Church challenges us to search for God’s vision for his daughters. His plans for us are more far-reaching and life-expanding than we have yet experienced. God is calling us to engage in the world; to right injustices; to stand up for truth. If the other half of the church would fully engage; we can impact the world.This well-written and thought-provoking book resonates with truths that I believe the Holy Spirit is bringing to the attention of the body of Christ. I highly recommend it.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Get it...By EmancipationThis book is a must read for anyone who knows a woman; is married to a woman or works with a woman in context of the local church. Thank you Custis James for elevating the position of woman; to it's God-Given place; and giving us all much fodder to think over. Read this book - you won't be disappointed (unless you are looking for lots of practical advice - she stays out of those thorny weeds but leaves each local church to wrestle with and apply these truths on their own)..

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