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Greek and Roman Mythology (Mythology Series)

DOC Greek and Roman Mythology (Mythology Series) by Malcolm Couch in History


From the beginning; landing airplanes on ships at sea has been considered the ultimate challenge in aviation. The success of generations of aircraft carrier operations would never have been possible without the Landing Signal Officer; or LSO. A full history of the LSO has never been published before now. The major changes brought about by visual landing aids and angled decks are nothing less than revolutionary; and these features are explained by a seasoned Naval Aviator who flew attack jets from carriers.This book tells the story of LSOs from the first carrier operations in 1922 through World War II; the early jet era; Korea; Vietnam; and up to today's nuclear-powered leviathans. Also explained are naval aircraft and equipment development through the years; it covers both the faster and heavier aircraft and the changes in shipboard flight-deck systems. Diagrams showing the evolution of aircraft carrier deck design from World War I to the present are also included.Historical fact and detailed information is interspersed with colorful anecdotes that add the feeling of being on the fantail of a carrier as jets scream past at 200 mph and land right next to you. There's a good reason the LSO platform is called "the best seat in the house." From primitive biplanes to the latest supersonic jets; aircraft could not have been brought aboard ship without the Landing Signal Officer. This book explains the exciting world of the LSO.

#3331260 in Books New Line Books 1998-11-01 2005-01-01Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 12.08 x .62 x 9.22l; #File Name: 1577170644128 pages

15 of 15 people found the following review helpful. Perfect Present!By Dublin ReaderI bought this book as a present for my boyfriend. I had checked on for a book on Roman/Greek mythology and for some reason this book didn't stand out to me; which is why I have decided to write a review. I saw it in a local bookshop and wanted to say to anyone else looking for a present on such a book that it is a recommended buy. There is five chapters to it - Early Greek Gods; The Olympians; Attendant Gods; The Heroes and Roman Mythology.This hardback book is not too daunting a size with about 123 pages to it's name but it has over 100 images which really adds to it. There's still plenty of room for text as the book is 12" long. Bear in mind though that this book would act better as an introduction to the area rather than an addition to the library of someone who already has passed that introductory stage.15 of 16 people found the following review helpful. Greek and Roman MythologyBy Elizabeth GrayThis was not at all what I was expecting... I thought that I would be getting a book with just text about Greek and Roman mythology. What I found instead was a picture/coffee table book. It was a pleasant surprise made even more pleasant by the fact that the text was not disappointing. Since I do not know much about mythology; this book is a great start for me and perhaps others wanting to more about the mythology that permeates literature and art. The pictures; art and drawings within are fun to look at; if not sometimes misplaced; like instead of Artemis near the text that speaks of her; there is another drawing of a young male god.

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