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God and His Demons

DOC God and His Demons by Michael Parenti in History


Many of us can recall the targeting of South Asian; Arab; Muslim; and Sikh people in the wake of 9/11. We may be less aware; however; of the ongoing racism directed against these groups in the past decade and a half. In We Too Sing America; nationally renowned activist Deepa Iyer catalogs recent racial flashpoints; from the 2012 massacre at the Sikh gurdwara in Oak Creek; Wisconsin; to the violent opposition to the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro; Tennessee; and to the Park 51 Community Center in Lower Manhattan. Iyer asks whether hate crimes should be considered domestic terrorism and explores the role of the state in perpetuating racism through detentions; national registration programs; police profiling; and constant surveillance. She looks at topics including Islamophobia in the Bible Belt; the “Bermuda Triangle” of anti-immigrant; anti-Muslim hysteria; and the energy of new reform movements; including those of “undocumented and unafraid” youth and Black Lives Matter. In a book that reframes the discussion of race in America; a brilliant young activist provides ideas from the front lines of post-9/11 America.

#430786 in Books Prometheus Books 2010-03-23 2010-03-23Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.29 x .83 x 6.31l; 1.20 #File Name: 1616141778281 pages

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. What the Bible Really Says Isn't What You Think It SaysBy BookwormXParenti; an objective and scholarly researcher; shows that the faithful are misinterpreting the ideas put forth in Biblical scripture and that it must be read very carefully to understand what it really says. The basic concepts of Christianity as a creed; similar to the "Great Chain of Being;" which facilitates a hierarchical social system are evident throughout Parenti's book; however; this is best understood in the section titled “The Lord's Lords” where Parenti explains that in feudal Europe (where there were three social classes or "estates"); the ruling elite of church and state colluded in exploiting the misfortunate peasants and artisans. Religious teaching; with its mystical; otherworldly imagery; promised the common people everything in the next world - heaven for the faithful and obedient; or Hell for the others - while the princes and bishops lived lavishly off the peasants' labor in this world. He explains that this church-state alliance continued into the twentieth century; and is now a church-state-corporate alliance in which the “The Roman Church is a worldwide organization that possesses more wealth in real estate; gold reserves; stocks; bonds; and art treasures than any other single institution or transnational corporation.” In protecting the church's pecuniary; material interests as a member of the pro-business owner-investor class; (both protestant and Catholic) church leaders have assisted in the disempowerment of labor unions and popular political movements; and the workers (today's peasant equivalents) are conditioned; via regular church attendance and cultural conditioning; to comply with secular managerial authority (e.g. Romans 13 1-7). Sin is defined as a failure of the worker's personal responsibility rather than as a consequence of problems in the socioeconomic environment.Parenti cites Biblical passages showing that the Bible promotes a hierarchical system that demands obedience to both God and worldly authority figures; and acceptance of one's place in the social hierarchy; no matter how lowly. For example; he notes that the Bible sanctions slavery (e.g. Colossians 3:22 and Ephesians 6:5) - including sexual slavery (e.g. Exodus 21:7-11) - which was the custom in ancient societies. He notes that the Bible disguises slavery with euphemisms such as “servant;” “maidservant;” or “bondmaid” and that Jesus said masters (slave owners) have a right to render whippings whenever a “servant's” duties are not performed to the master's satisfaction (e.g. Luke 12:47-48). Using Biblical citations; Parenti exposes Jesus as a tyrant who demanded compliance with his authority; and deadly retribution for all nonbelievers; but today's Christianists assure us that Jesus' love was unconditional.Parenti explains that famous religious personalities such as Martin Luther and Mother Teresa were aligned with the ruling elite; not with the common people; and; as Parenti describes Mother Teresa; she was a right-winger who used the poor as her pets and as her props; flew first class on her frequent trips; praised the poor for their exemplary acceptance of their circumstances; received only the best healthcare for herself; and concealed the amount of money and property accumulated by her charities. Today's religious right is richly funded by ultra-wealthy right-wing authoritarian ideologues whose Christianist media propagate free-market corporatism; militarism and super-patriotism.In the section titled “Priestly Procurers;” Parenti reports that as of 2007; in the U.S.; the Roman Catholic church had paid out $2 billion in sexual abuse settlements; legal fees and counseling for pedophile priests.In the section titled “A Secular State;” Parenti explains that the nation's founders did not intend for the Republic to be beholden to any religion. For example; he quotes James Madison; as follows: “Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind; and unfits it for every noble enterprise; every expanded prospect.”I strongly recommend this book; as well as all of Parenti's other books; some of which; unfortunately; are no longer in print.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. I've read better history from people who aren't even historiansBy Anon YmousI'm halfway through it; but so far it's very banal. I've read better history from people who aren't even historians. Feels like he slammed out a book just to say he did. Can't blame him of course; for riding the atheism wave. Still; it's Parenti and that's miles better than most authors.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Easy to readBy Joe K.Easy to read with no conjecture; but rather; documented facts. I found some details astounding. The book stands very well for the case it presents.

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