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God; Guns; and Guts of Firearm Defense: The Bible View (36 Ready Preparedness Guides)

ebooks God; Guns; and Guts of Firearm Defense: The Bible View (36 Ready Preparedness Guides) by Sig Swanstrom in History


A volume in the Problems in World History series; this book features a variety of secondary-source essays that are carefully edited for both content and length; making this single volume a convenient alternative to course packets or multiple monographs. Most often used as a supplementary text for upper-level courses; THE ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE includes chapter introductions; essay introductions; and annotated bibliographies.

#150360 in Books Ingramcontent 2013-10-29Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.21 x .80 x 6.14l; 1.09 #File Name: 0615863930354 pagesGod Guns and Guts of Firearm Defense The Bible View

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Biblically Based Arguments for Armed Self-DefenseBy J. RobideauMr. Swanstrom does a fantastic job of laying out scriptural commands; examples; and precedents that logically prove that armed; effective self-defense is not condemned by the Bible but rather promoted. Throughout the book; the author used scripture to back up all his arguments. To quote the author: "I wanted answers which I could count on to be right; so the Bible was my only totally trustworthy resource."He starts out by explaining the Bible principle of personal responsibility; then quickly moves on to the words; attitude; and actions of Jesus Christ himself.He even draws practical; tactical tips from the actions of Jesus Christ when he scourged the temple:"Jesus was not in an angry; uncontrolled rage. And; His actions were not an out-of-control response to the situation. Rather; He was completely in control of His emotions; and He was very strategic in the use of overwhelming violence of action. This is an example of "tactical Jesus;" and we need to learn from Him the importance of shrewd; strategic thinking and acting."I have been looking for a book like this for quite some time. I love the tone in which this book is written. It is not inflammatory or in-your-face. There is no name-calling or extraneous political commentary. The author merely offers up the relevant arguments and their supporting scriptures.I did find it a bit distracting to have multiple translations in the book each time a scripture was referenced. In one particular section; six different translations of the particular passage were listed. In the end; I was glad that the KJV was used for every scripture.The final chapters of the book on the law; politics; and crime statistics were not so relevant to the main subject of the book; but they were thankfully placed at the end and in no way hinder the presentation of the primary content; the scriptural arguments. The information is good; but didn't seem as relevant as the earlier chapters. Just look at them as bonus content!I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone with questions about whether or not armed self-defense has a biblical basis.I also recommend this book for Christians who may already have the right point of view on this subject; but want to make sure they know the scriptural basis so that they can properly explain and defend their position biblically.If you enjoy this book as much as I have; you will definitely enjoy Tactical Bible Stories: Personal Security Tips from the Bible!5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. ... book I read by Sig Swanstrom was Selecting the Best Gun for Self DefenseBy steven ShulmanThe first book I read by Sig Swanstrom was Selecting the Best Gun for Self Defense. It was a straight-forward; practical read which included a lot of technical information I either forgot or didn't know. It is well written and I would highly recommend that book for those looking for some good information regarding self defense the right weapon for the right circumstances. It reads very fast and if you are truly looking for information on self-defense this is a great book for you. I preface my comments about this book first; because immediately after reading this book I read God; Guns; and Guts of Firearm Defense.Before reviewing the book I must confess I know Sig Swanstrom. Though we only communicate once in awhile; live about 1300 miles and three States apart my review is honest. Sig and I attended the police academy together many years ago and worked together in uniform for a few years. In fact we carpooled to the academy with two other classmates; Rich and Clyde. After recently speaking to Sig; he told me about writing the two books and was interested in my take on both; but particularly on God; Guns...I've known Sig to be spiritual his entire life. We've had a number of discussions about religion but not for many years because we just don't chat that much living far apart. Sig has always been profoundly interested in guns; self-defense; and Christ. He is a good; honest; and very intelligent; articulate guy. From reading God; Guns; I also learned our politics are very much aligned. Sig is as cynical about our government as I am! Reading his book was like understanding him far better than I ever did before. I found Sig to be a very good writer and despite not sharing the same faith; I was able to relate to the passages in the old testament. I can relate to the intent of the passages as it relates to self defense and the responsibility Sig proclaims when he says we must have a right to bear arms.I wasn't sure I would enjoy the book(s) when I told Sig I would buy them. First; because I'm Jewish and can't relate to Jesus Christ the same way Sig does. This book would give me an insight into what Sig is thinking; and more importantly how he was going to draw a comparison between God and Guns... I was drawn into the comparisons between the bible and our present state of affairs in the world. Having served almost 30 years in law enforcement it made me contemplate our future more than I do.I was curious how Sig would use the bible and tie all this together. Sig does a remarkable job of putting it all together.The book also caused me to contemplate and consider the differences between things like revenge; retaliation; and retribution; and why there is a distinct difference between the three. I particularly liked Sig sharing his feelings about politics yet didn't preach; but gave you his opinion; always supported by facts. He asks the reader what he/she would do under certain circumstances after discussing them. It's a great way to pause and contemplate ones actions.I thoroughly enjoyed the book and find Sig to be extremely qualified to write it; especially since I personally know his background.If you have an interest in God and guns; have an interest in Sig's point of view about our future; and where you might fit in; I would highly recommend taking a day or two to read this book. You may walk away with a completely different perspective than the one you have now.Steve S2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Scripture Supported Self-DefenseBy JB_BBSig outlines the scriptures that support the ownership and use of guns for protection and sport; which is contrary to the current political thinking surrounding gun ownership; preparedness and self-defense. If only law-abiding citizens are stripped of their gun ownership rights (See 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution for reference); then only governments and criminals will have guns. Placing this important topic squarely within the perspective of biblical principles gives a whole new rational for survival through preparedness. The use of deadly force is a very serious issue in today's violent society; but when beliefs and value systems based on Jesus' perspective are followed; a clear picture of reality emerges. Sig has captured the essence of this reality in a way that is compelling for any reader; whether for or against the use of a gun for self-defense.

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