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Gateway of the Gods: An Investigation of Fallen Angels; the Nephilim; Alchemy; Climate Change; and the Secret Destiny of the Human Race

audiobook Gateway of the Gods: An Investigation of Fallen Angels; the Nephilim; Alchemy; Climate Change; and the Secret Destiny of the Human Race by Craig Hines in History


This book is a collection of quotes that I believe will inspire each reader; The American Patriot; to triumph over tyranny. May God Bless America! Don't Tread On Me - An American Patriot's Book of Quote is a reminder to all patriots that the struggle in America between liberty and tyranny has been an ongoing battle. The Founders of America were triumphant in their war against the tyranny of the English King; George III. Will the patriots of today be equally triumphant?Will liberty prevail? The tyranny of today brought on by massive government growth and spending both federal; state and even county and city has exploded into a heavy burden that founder Thomas Jefferson warned against;"Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work to give to those who are not." I believe; as most others believe; that government has a vital role to play in civilized society. However; I also believe there is a Constitutional limit to the role government should participate in our lives. Ronald Reagan said it best; "Government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem." This quote lies at the core of the fundamental battle being waged in America today. The Liberal or Progressive Democrat believes that governments role includes solving all of societies inequalities. While the Conservative Republican believes less government and private industry can best provide the foundation for our success. The Tea Party movement has established itself on the belief that both parties promote larger government and more spending. These American patriots believe; as I do; that less government is good government. I agree with what Dennis Prager has often said on his radio program; "The bigger the government; the smaller the citizen." How can government continue to grow and grow and spend and spend and not become more a part of our lives? How can the citizen that is dependent on government for "the pursuit of happiness" not be made smaller. Remember; "A government big enough to provide you everything is big enough to take everything."

#1117524 in Books Numina Media Arts 2007-01-09Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.02 x .88 x 5.98l; 1.29 #File Name: 097855910X432 pagesISBN13: 9780978559106Condition: NewNotes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Shedding Light on the AngelsBy KrestianExcellent; in-depth exploration of the ethos of myth...many a truth has been said in myth; and not in jest either. Hines is honest and forthright about his "lack of credentials;" and therein lies the high strangeness index and indivisible believability quotient inherent in his work. Easy to read and understand; in fact; almost conversational in its comfort zone; this book makes the case for angelic beings mixing with the restless natives to produce a race of renown. The Book of Enoch is no fairytale; but instead might be the sine qua non proof of purchase of mankind's alliance; or rather; dalliance with supernal beings. A seamless; engrossing study that seeks to unify and codify conundrums of past and present into a cogent vision of the future; Gateway of the Gods adds a new tack to the age-old puzzle of human origins; and therein lies the rub. What indeed; have we rubbed shoulders (or other parts) with; to have come thus far? With encyclopedia knowledge of ancient cultures; Hines brings a devastating presence to the fore...God; the angels; and the devil may be more real than we know...that is; of flesh and blood; perhaps slightly higher up the evolutionary ladder than our own frail skein. Hines truly knows his stuff...thereby putting such armchair scholars as Sitchin and Heron to shame. Lack of credentials here translates to no lack of street cred. After reading about the Gateway; which could very well be the vehicle of that one-way trip to Dante's; I done seen the light. Myth is necessary; and that necessity is a mother all right. One of the best books I've ever read on this topic. Like I said; no fairytale...this Gateway is by far the best one out of the gate.17 of 17 people found the following review helpful. Ascension Or Oblivion? ~ Connecting The Dots And Squaring The Circle As We Countdown To 2012By Brian E. ErlandCraig Hines book `Gateway of the Gods' is and insightful and in-depth exploration on three of my favorite topics (Watchers; Fallen Angels and the Nephilim) and the role these beings play in the ultimate destiny of mankind. The 62 pages that comprise Part 2 of this 432 page volume make this book worth the purchase price. His suggestion and subsequent discussion that the terms `Son's of God' and `Nephilim' might refer to not different gradations of angelic beings but actually the same creatures undergoing a title change after their "fall" is masterful and something I had never considered. Mr. Hines makes it so obvious I'm stunned that I could have overlooked that possibility all these years.I also thoroughly enjoyed the brief 20 pages of Part 1 outlining exactly how the author became involved in the research of such esoteric matters. Dreams have always held a great fascination and significance for me and reading how it was through the vehicle of dreams and the necessary follow up confirmation in the waking state started it all made it personal and exciting for me.Part 4 is where it gets a little difficult to follow but that comes from my own lack of expertise in matters of hyperspace; gravity; string and M theory and quantum physics in general. Dispite my inadequate level of knowledge in these areas I must say Hines did an admirable and cohesive job at bringing the material together and presenting a comprehensive and understandable analysis that should satisfy both the adept and the novice in these scientific disciplines.If there is anything to find fault with Hines' book it would be trying to cover too much material from such a broad area of subject matter; Theology; mythology; archeology; alchemy; Kabbalah; quantum physics; conspiracy theories; environmental issues and more. However I would prefer to commend the attempt rather than fault him for it.`Gateway of the Gods' is definitely a challenging read and not for someone looking to wile away a couple of hours before falling asleep. It's extremely dense; at times ponderous; someplaces overly immersed in detail and a little too abrupt and evasive at the end; but overall satisfying and thought provoking.Like I said; not for everyone; but if you're one of those individuals who love exploring alternative ways of looking at our past and postulating where we might be heading this is definitely something you have to read!3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Emotionally and Intelligently StimulatingBy Cherie SumnerI have always been intriqued with the accounts of Nephilim in Genesis and the Book of Enoch. I am amazed by the mysterious Pyramids and pondered what their possible uses could entail. Craig Hines really blew my mind with his gateway theory and how history and the bible may elude to this very scenario of angels ascending and descending between dimensions. Every idea he presents is backed with powerful references and research. He is very discerning and knowledgeable with what he presents. I am fascinated and filled with wonder about how flesh and blood humans can be converted to spirit form (resurrection)and vise versa. He has some interesting theories on that. It is a bit disconcerting to think about angels entering our dimension at will. It does make me wonder about their return as we draw to the close of this world. Will we discover the secrets to unlock the portals between this world and theirs? Will Jesus open up the heavens and the gateway for the resurrected ones to enter? Hines stimulated my emotions and intellect all the way through. I am thankful for his recap at the end of each chapter and all the references of his research. Highly recommend for those who want to dig deep into the past of visiting angels and the implications of the repercutions. Will we "square the circle"?

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