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Fate of the Country: The Civil War from June to September 1864

DOC Fate of the Country: The Civil War from June to September 1864 by Don Lowry in History


This is the powerful and shocking story of the Atlantic slave traders. From 1441 to 1807; these traders; their dealings and political affiliates; organized one of the largest slave trades in history.

#3567262 in Books Hippocrene Books 1992-10Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.50 x 6.75 x 1.75l; 1.75 #File Name: 0781800641468 pagesCivil War; American; History; Union; Confederate;

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy Edwin G. HerrickGood book2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. A Chronology of the Civil War during Summer; 1864By Steven PetersonThis is the second of a four volume set of books; authored by Don Lowry. Each book covers about three months or so of the final year of the Civil War. The wrinkle that he adds to these books is that they are written in a strict chronological fashion. If several events happened on a specific day; he would cover all in one chapter; rather than the normal approach of finishing one story without interruption and then turning to another. So; events sometimes come in a jumble; as several important things would occur and all would be mixed together.On the other hand; this does provide a much better sense of the order of events.Major events covered in this volume: the Siege of Petersburg; the battle in the Shenandoah Valley; the campaign of Sherman to take Atlanta. Other events are also covered; such as the effort by General A. J. Smith and his troops to create problems for Nathan Forrest and the sea battle between the Kearsarge and the Alabama; just off France.There were major Union catastrophes; such as the debacle at the Crater outside Petersburg. The picture often appeared grim for Abraham Lincoln's re-election. With Sherman's capture of Atlanta; however; the picture began to brighten.This is not an especially well written book; but it is chock full of details; and the chronological ordering of matters is an interesting effort.

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