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Early Christian Letters for Everyone (The New Testament for Everyone)

DOC Early Christian Letters for Everyone (The New Testament for Everyone) by N. T. Wright in History


Church historians have long known and appreciated Christianity’s global history. Until recently; however; introductory textbooks on the history of Christianity focused almost exclusively on Europe and North America. Robert Bruce Mullins’s A Short World History of Christianity; by contrast; offers a panoramic picture of the history of Christianity in its Western and non-Western expressions. It tells the story of the early church in the Greek East as well as the Latin West; of Christianity’s spread into Asia as well as Europe during the Middle Ages; and its explosion around the world during the modern period. Mullins’s highly readable narrative explores why global perspectives have emerged so strongly in our understanding of the story of Christianity and how they have impacted Christianity’s perspective on its place in the world. This newly revised edition adds information on such global phenomena as early Syriac-speaking Christianity; the growth of Pentecostalism around the world; especially in the southern hemisphere; and recent trends in Christianity; including the elevation of the first pope born in the Americas. A time line of key dates; call-out boxes; and other helpful study materials are also provided. Beginning students will appreciate this memorable introduction to the most important events in the history and development of Christianity.

#43763 in Books Westminster/John Knox 2011-10-04 2011-10-01Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 7.81 x .54 x 5.06l; .50 #File Name: 0664227988238 pagesEarly Christian Letters for Everyone

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Insightful and accessible commentaryBy EvangelineI love N.T. Wright's "for Everyone" studies; and this was another great one (we did the Letters of John; and we may do James next; as it is included in this commentary guide). In the study guide that can be used along with this book; Wright provides really thought-provoking questions that get some great conversation and discussion going. This companion commentary was so helpful for providing extra insight and background.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy popeye13Great insight especially for christians that don't read the bible.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. NT Wright is a great down to earth writer.By G.W.NT Wright is awesome. He has a way of writing so anyone can understand and he paints a clear picture of how the scriptures written so long ago parallel our world today and still apply.

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