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Disruptive Christian Ethics: When Racism and Women's Lives Matter

DOC Disruptive Christian Ethics: When Racism and Women's Lives Matter by Traci C. West in History


“The conflict is only ‘seemingly’ beyond solution; because all historical-political problems have solutions; if there is enough courage; honesty; and steadfastness.” In Chosen?; Walter Brueggemann explores the situation in modern-day Israel that raises questions for many Christians who are easily confused when reading biblical accounts of God’s saving actions with the Israelites. Are modern Israeli citizens the descendants of the Israelites in the Bible whom God called chosen? Was the promise of land to Moses permanent and irrevocable? What about others living in the promised land? How should we read the Bible in light of the modern situation? Who are the Zionists; and what do they say? In four chapters; Brueggemann addresses the main questions people have with regards to what the Bible has to say about this ongoing issue. A question-and-answer section with Walter Brueggemann; a glossary of terms; study guide; and guidelines for respectful dialogue are also included. The reader will get answers to their key questions about how to understand God’s promises to the biblical people often called Israel and the conflict between Israel and Palestine today.

#783696 in Books Traci C West 2006-01-16 2006-01-16Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.00 x .55 x 6.00l; .80 #File Name: 066422959X240 pagesDisruptive Christian Ethics When Racism and Women s Lives Matter

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Liberationist and feminist "agenda"By Yasmeen St. ClairWest does a great job of analyzing ideas in ethics that have been held as true and pushing back against their limitations. She does this in her analysis of Niebuhr; and in an especially creative method; utilizes lived experience to refute and/or expand on his ideas. She does so through feminist analysis that takes seriously the standpoint of real; embodied people rather than disembodied; universal principles. Her commitment is to a liberationist ethic; and she melds both theory and practice in an effective manner for this purpose.16 of 16 people found the following review helpful. Christian social ethics that takes race; sex; and homophobia seriouslyBy Matthew J. FrizzellThis a great book for contemporary students and scholars of Christian ethics seeking to deepen their understanding of faith and ethics. Starting with real people; West makes women; particularly women of color; and sexual violation her entry point into constructing Christian ethics. Her proposal is "disruptive" because she insists that the universal vision of Christian ethics begins precisely here; in the particular experiences of particular people living particular lives. The disruption is felt when the Christian imperative is re-framed in the material conditions and embodied experiences of subjugated persons whose lives are impacted by gender-discrimination; homophobia; and race. Approached this way; Christian ethics avoid sanctuary in the abstract universals of theological claims and rationalizations of human nature and destiny for West. Instead; Christian ethics disturbs widespread Christian complacency about the lives of people living amidst persistent injustices institutionally structured and experienced at the intersections of personal; social; and political life. In response; she lays out a liberative vision of social ethics that struggles to connect Christian social thought to a practical faith that resists abstraction; elevates embodied life and sets sight on transformation in the concrete.West's disruptive Christian ethics is important. It follows an American tradition of Christian social ethics from Union Theological Seminary; from Reinhold Niebuhr through the John C Bennett; Bev Harrison; and others. West makes her contribution by incorporating feminist and womanist critiques; which lead her to an understanding of Christian social ethics that truly ties the universal claims of Christian thinking to lives lived in the particular realities. West tightens the connection of Christian thinking to concrete practices. West's book is an excellent unity of Christian realism and liberation ethics in a disruptive synthesis that brings Christian social ethics vibrancy and puts it in a new light.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. West is a superior writer on the subject of Ethics in the current ...By CustomerWest is a superior writer on the subject of Ethics in the current intersection of our global probablems; our moral dilemmas; and our intercultural opportunities to make sustainable changes that are just; fair; and right !

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