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Did Moses Exist? The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver

ebooks Did Moses Exist? The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver by D. M. Murdock; Acharya S in History


This first-of-a-kind publication provides military insignia collectors; historians; veterans and others; a comprehensive; 52-page reference exploring the history and insignia of World War II era Army Service Commands. Over 170 high quality color images of different insignia are included on 24 color plates. Many of the insignia have not been published before in any reference. The history of the different Army Service Commands; from their formation to inactivation; is well documented as well as the evolution of their many insignia. The publication is an essential reference for any collector of United States military insignia – regardless if they may be an advanced; intermediate or beginning collector. Other military enthusiasts will find it equally rewarding.

#201101 in Books Acharya S 2014-03-27Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.02 x 1.30 x 5.98l; 1.86 #File Name: 0979963184582 pagesDid Moses Exist

5 of 6 people found the following review helpful. Explores the foundation myth of Judaism (Moses; Exodus Yahweh)By John BellOnly 6% into the Kindle version I found 3 consecutive sentences 64; 56 and 51 words in length. This type of writing is ‘word salad’ of meaningless babble with multiple subjects; verbs and D.O. ID.O’s … making impossible to link any subject with which verb. The longest sentence in the book before I decided to turn my Kindle into a Frisbee? 76 words.Clearly this book was neither proofed nor edited. At 582 pps the author felt she has acres of terrain to do her thing … unfortunately all this real estate allows for verbosity and sloppy English. I have read other DM Murdoch works and they were tightly written and focused. Not so with “Moses”; which could have been condensed to 250 words without loss of content.Firstly; the author deals with Moses and quotes generously from Genesis as to who and what he was; when he lived etc. She adroitly points out all the contradictions and impossibilities and concludes; methinks correctly; that Moses was an invention in order to create a religion.Acharya S then tells the story of how the Jewish god; Yahweh; cast a spell onto the pharaoh so as to harden his heart and prevent release of the Jewish slaves .... then cast ten murderous spells against all Egyptians allowing the estimated 2.5 million Jews plus their estimated million herd animals to steal away to Sinai. The author then concludes; again correctly; that nothing exists in support the exodus (parting of the Red Sea; the burning bush; ten commandments; 40 years of wandering the desert etc).The author then analyzes Yahweh and his activities by quoting generously from the Torah and demonstrates that Yahweh is an unhinged homicidal maniac. Yahweh is a god nastier than any god conjured up by the Romans or Greeks ― he is pure unmitigated Evil. Clearly Judaism is a fear-based religion that condones violence against all nonmembers.Do not the Jews who practice the Yahweh-inspired and taught hatred realize that they are no different than other hate groups – The White Aryan Nation; the Nazis; Westside Baptist Church etc.? Let's not forget that Adolf Hitler was Catholic and had the unbridled support of the Catholic hierarchy during his reign of terror against Jews; Blacks; homosexuals etc.Archarya S has done a tremendous service in exploring the foundation myth of Judaism and stimulating the readers to understand how religion is often twisted to be the very opposite its original intent.Thank you; Yahweh; for making your Judeo-Christian brethren just like yourself and condoning rape; pillage; arson; mass murder etc.And thank you; D.M. Murdoch; in reaching deep into Juadism allowing this reader to understand the basis of their modus operandi.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Ancient historyBy Customerlots and lots of history. It is a very interesting study on ancient history; some very deep but after reading it makes one realize just how little we know about ancient religions and just how much is myth. It should be read by everyone.8 of 9 people found the following review helpful. Sense out of a nonsensical storyBy O. WestermanAcharya S did a tremendous job to make sense out of a nonsensical story; The Exodus. The Exodus with Moses as the so called Lawgiver cobbled together to give the Hebrew Jews a history albeit an invented one. every theme and angle of the Moses and Exodus story is been explored by the author of this book ''Did Moses exist ?'' themes are traced to the originals in various myths and as with all of her work details and sources are given on the subject while they are explored.I think Acharya S did a great job with this book which is the most detailed study there is on the topic. This book has to be part of every bible study for believers and non believers alike. As with all the bible books Exodus turns out to be a myth.Without Acharya S there would never be such a work on the bookshelf.I highly recommend and urge everybody to read this book for you will not be disappointed. !

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