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Democracy in America (Harper Perennial Modern Classics)

audiobook Democracy in America (Harper Perennial Modern Classics) by Alexis de Tocqueville in History


If women ruled the world; politics would be more collegial; businesses would be more productive; and communities would be healthier. More women should lead—not because they are the same as men; but precisely because they are different. Reflecting on her own tenure as White House press secretary and her work as a political analyst; media commentator; and former consultant to NBC's The West Wing; Dee Dee Myers blends memoir and social history with a call to action; as she assesses the crucial but long-ignored strengths that female leaders bring to the table. With intelligence; courage; candor; and wit; she looks at the obstacles women must overcome and the traps they must avoid on the path to success; and she challenges us to imagine a not-too-distant future with more women standing tall in the top ranks of politics; business; science; and academia.

#94956 in Books Alexis de Tocqueville 2006-08-29 2006-08-29Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.00 x 1.28 x 5.31l; 1.60 #File Name: 0061127922800 pagesDemocracy in America

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Must read for everyoneBy PhilipMust read. Together with his history of the French Revolution; and Doyle's Oxford History; and Schama's Citizens; it is an education in civics.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. An American MUST READBy Sojourner KnightAlexis de Toqueville's Democracy In America is a must read for the US citizen who desires this country to once again shine in greatness and leadership as it was designed by the founders. This is a 3rd party review (Frenchman) of the American experiment; and why it works; if the plan (Constitution and Christian ethics) are followed. Quintessential. Its opposite counterparts in non-ethics and demise would be Rules for Radicals by Alinsky; and The Prince by Machiavelli.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A voice of warning to the Americans; and the worldBy M. LeeThis is an amazing read; and notable coming from a Frenchman who lived through much of the aftermath of the French revolutionary period. Interesting the close ties of freedom to religion; especially Christianity. And his commends on Islam. Recommended read; especially for Americans; but really; for everyone today; as his is a prophetic voice of warning to us today.

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