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Crossing the Tiber: Evangelical Protestants Discover the Historical Church

ebooks Crossing the Tiber: Evangelical Protestants Discover the Historical Church by Steve Ray in History


The Thousand-Mile War; a powerful story of the battles of the United States and Japan on the bitter rim of the North Pacific; has been acclaimed as one of the great accounts of World War II. Brian Garfield; a novelist and screenwriter whose works have sold some 20 million copies; was searching for a new subject when he came upon the story of this "forgotten war" in Alaska. He found the history of the brave men who had served in the Aleutians so compelling and so little known that he wrote the first full-length history of the Aleutian campaign; and the book remains a favorite among Alaskans.The war in the Aleutians was fought in some of the worst climatic conditions on earth for men; ships; and airplanes. The sea was rough; the islands craggy and unwelcoming; and enemy number one was always the weather--the savage wind; fog; and rain of the Aleutian chain. The fog seemed to reach even into the minds of the military commanders on both sides; as they directed men into situations that so often had tragic results. Frustrating; befuddling; and still the subject of debate; the Aleutian campaign nevertheless marked an important turn of the war in favor of the United States.Now; half a century after the war ended; more of the fog has been lifted. In the updated University of Alaska Press edition; Garfield supplements his original account; which was drawn from statistics; personal interviews; letters; and diaries; with more recently declassified photographs and many more illustrations.

#32248 in Books Ignatius Press 1997-01-01Ingredients: Example IngredientsOriginal language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.00 x 1.00 x 5.20l; .82 #File Name: 0898705770294 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I wanted this book to suck but it was great and well-writtenBy Elias CalistoI really wanted this book to be terrible. I thought it was going to be completely biased towards Catholicism by displaying Protestantism in a negative light. What I found in this book instead was a very well-written; well-sourced (though I have some complains of the author's heavy quotations of Eusebius); and honest testimony for why Steve Ray became a Catholic.I currently find myself walking a similar path in my search for truth and have been glad to come across people like Steve Ray and Scott Hahn. Steve Ray is honest and passionate about what he writes and his writing style is both scholarly and easy to read.I wanted to be able to argue against many of the things he said and found myself agreeing with more things than not.I'm still learning and can't say I will become a Catholic today or tomorrow but this has helped me significantly on my journey.Thank you Steve and all honest Christians who have made an honest inquiry into their beliefs to arrive where they did and took the time to share their journey with us.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. A Protestant discovers TruthBy Orysia Bilyk EarhartThis is an excellent book for understanding how the Catholic Church has been misunderstood by the Protestants. It should be required reading for all who have wondered why the Catholic Church has stood for 2000 years and; with the guidance of the Holy Spirit; will continue to exist until the end of time.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Very good bookBy RosemaryListened to author at our Church and ordered the book to learn more. It is very well written and easy to read.

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