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Coming Out Under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War II

ePub Coming Out Under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War II by Allan Bérubé in History


The story of John A. Logan’s famed 31st Regiment Illinois Volunteers; told by three veterans; follows the regiment from the battles of Belmont; Fort Donelson; Vicksburg; Kenesaw Mountain; and Atlanta through the March to the Sea and into North Carolina. "Few regiments;" notes historian John Y. Simon in the foreword; "fought longer or more fiercely; suffered more casualties; or won more victories."Logan proved a valiant and valuable Union commander; yet when the Civil War first began; it was far from clear whether he would lead Union or Confederate troops. In dramatic fashion; however; he broke what Simon calls an "ominous silence ... interpreted by many as sympathy for the South." Speaking from a wagon platform in Marion; Illinois; Logan proclaimed: "[The] time has come when a man must be for or against his country." Logan accepted a commission from Illinois governor Richard Yates; recruited heavily in southern Illinois; and formed the 31st Regiment Illinois Volunteers.The 31st became a prime component in Grant’s western campaigns; fighting for the first time at Belmont; Missouri. In February of 1862; the 31st foiled Confederate general Gideon J. Pillow’s dramatic escape from the Union siege at Fort Donelson. Although this is often listed as one of the proudest moments for the 31st; casualties ran high (fifty-eight killed); with Logan so severely wounded that at first he was reported dead. Logan’s valor at Fort Donelson won him promotion to brigadier general.

#302873 in Books The University of North Carolina Press 2010-09-07Ingredients: Example IngredientsOriginal language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.22 x .97 x 6.18l; 1.35 #File Name: 080787177X416 pages

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Eye-opening part of historyBy David SullivanI'm an author and read this while doing research for a novel. My eyes were opened. While gay; lesbian and bisexual Americans volunteered; and died in the service to our country during WWII; they were; for the most part; systematically discriminated against and treated with dishonesty; humiliation and psychological abuse.Sometimes mere accusations with no proof were enough to drum a member out of our armed forces depriving them of rights and the GI Bill benefits. To make it worse; their draft boards were told and work got around in civilian life that they were unfit. In that era; after the war; the lack of an honorable discharge often cast such a dark shadow that many couldn't find work.For those who believe being gay is a choice and a sin I disagree with you. I ask if you truly believe that or if you are doing a knee-jerk reaction to poison ideas implanted in you.This story is history; and you won't read of it in standard history books. Discrimination is discrimination is wrong. The pledge of allegiance ends: "with liberty and justice for all."3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. You've come a long way baby; but not that far it seems.By C. M. GriffinA little academic in spots but a fascinating history of how gay men and women did their part during WWII. The official discrimination they faced was inconsistent certainly; with many officers looking the other way if they were pulling their weight and others going out of their way to "bust the queers". Regardless of your personal attitudes towards the gay community; the part they played in helping to win the war cannot be discounted.3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Historical PrespectiveBy Lew57this is an excellent book; revealing a bit of history that I am sure very few are aware. I thought is was well written and factual; the characters in this book are what they are and it was interesting to hear their point of view of a situation they bascily had no control over; being drafted into military service. If anything this helps give a presepctive as to why the military has acted the way they have when it comes to gay and lesbian service members. These individuals showed great courage and charater as their stories unfold. Well worth the read.

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