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Child Exploitation and Trafficking: Examining Global Enforcement and Supply Chain Challenges and U.S. Responses

PDF Child Exploitation and Trafficking: Examining Global Enforcement and Supply Chain Challenges and U.S. Responses by Virginia M. Kendall; T. Markus Funk in History


Volume 3 of We Were Eagles covers the turning of the tide; when the air war was redirected to bombing communications targets in northern France in support of the 6 June D-Day invasion and the eventual breakout by Allied forces from the beachheads. Once the Normandy battle was won; missions were resumed against oil targets; factories; communications and other strategic targets. Often crews nursed their blasted and burning Liberators and Flying Fortresses back with flak holes and damage from fighter attacks; including from the new German jet fighters; with feathered props and dead and wounded on board; but those that survived went out again the next day; the day after and the day after that; until their combat tour of thirty and later thirty-five missions was completed. A host of rank and file air crew members describe these raids in vivid detail and with clarity and vigour. They tell of laughter; friendship; death; fear; exhilaration; stupidity; superstitions; discipline and indiscipline. Also; of course; the sheer horrors faced mission after mission by the ‘boys in the sky’; together with the personal deprivations experienced by the ordinary British men; women and children.

#1004714 in Books Rowman Littlefield Publishers 2016-12-14Original language:English 9.01 x 1.27 x 5.97l; 1.11 #File Name: 1442264799556 pagesRowman Littlefield Publishers


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