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Chicago's Pilsen Neighborhood (Images of America Series)

ePub Chicago's Pilsen Neighborhood (Images of America Series) by Peter N. Pero in History


In 1676; Nathaniel Bacon led a well-known colonial uprising against the authority of King Charles II; in the person of Virginia's governor Sir William Berkeley. Bacon's Rebellion dramatically altered relations between Chesapeake colonists and Native Americans; and also induced late Stuart imperialists to crack down on colonial autonomy. Michael Leroy Oberg has transcribed; edited; and introduced the official record left by Samuel Wiseman; King Charles II's scribe assigned to this uprising's investigation_making this history widely available for the first time in book form.

#1250588 in Books Arcadia Publishing 2011-04-18 2011-04-18Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.25 x .31 x 6.50l; .65 #File Name: 0738583340128 pages

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. Interesting book but check facts.By J. FabianIt is nice to read about a book on a neighborhood my parents lived in back in the 40's after the war. The problem with these small thin books from Arcadia Publishing is that everyone seems to be an expert but some facts come out wrong in the process. One for instance is the Holy Trinity Croatian Church and School. The author claims it opened as a school in 1950. That could not be possible since my father and his friends attended the school in the 1930's.I wish someone would write about Pilsen and do some deep research in order to get the correct information. For the price of these books don't expect a deep read....more like someone's commentary than an in depth understanding of the history of the place. Did the author interview any older folks that may have been around back then? It has nice old pictures that are interesting and some current history on the people living there that might interest contemporaries more than folks wanting an historical account and a longer read.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. and books like this and the people who care enough to remember ...By Customerin 1966 when I grew up; people had self-respect that didn't rely on labels or politics because they didn't exist.There was pride and we; and I still don't need more than my conviction of what is right and who is wrong.Much more can be said; and books like this and the people who care enough to remember them help fill in the gaps taken by time.ThanksDave near Chicago8 of 9 people found the following review helpful. Not what I expectedBy CustomerMy grandmother lived in this area in the 1940's. I purchased this assuming I would find photos and information on the places I remember seeing as a child. An old movie theatre; beer gardens lit up with Christmas lights at night; with young and old German men drinking from steins; ;some photos of the old flats like where grandma lived; where 4 households shared one small bathroom under the front stairs in the hallway; maybe old Maxwell street; numerous memories.Instead I found little reference to the early settlers of this area of Chicago. It seemed to concentrate on the Hispanic population that moved into the area after grandma b died. A nice history of the area; but too recent in my opinion; An expensive dissapointment sitting on my bookshelf.

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