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Britains Greatest Warship: Hms Ark Royal IV

ePub Britains Greatest Warship: Hms Ark Royal IV by Richard Johnstone-Bryden in History


The story of the SS of Treblinka is a highly compelling one. This book provides vivid descriptions of events in the camp from the point of view of the men that witnessed them. Using interviews; personal letters; and unpublished diaries; some supplied by historian Marcin Zborska in Warsaw and published for the first time; Ian Baxter gives a fascinating insight into the camp that saw the murder of some 800;000 Jews. The book paints a chilling picture of the staff at Treblinka; showing the SS-men during breaks from their murderous activities; relaxing in their barracks; or visiting the camp zoo with their families. Diary extracts will allow a reader inside the heads of these men who; in some cases felt themselves fortunate to be posted at Treblinka. The inner working of the camp are exposed here in unprecedented detail—from the techniques of mass murder to the bizarre rituals that developed within the camp.

#5449770 in Books 1999-02Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 10.75 x 8.00 x .75l; #File Name: 0750917989262 pages

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A fantastic document to the greatest (or most FamousBy Fraser PatersonA fantastic document to the greatest (or most Famous!) Warship in the Royal Navy.The author clearly had good access to many official records stating dates of her deployments and famous incidents. There are many personal accounts of those who served aboard which adds warm to the narrative; perhaps some more conversations with those members from the lower decks would have rounded off the book more; it is very much written from an Officers point of view. But that being said complete with many photos (both official and from crew members) I would say this is a must have for any one who served in HMS Ark Royal IV.

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