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Apollo 13

ebooks Apollo 13 by James Lovell; Jeffrey Kluger in History


Spanning the period from Alexander the Great's accession to the throne in 336 BC to the defeat by Octavian of Antony and Cleopatra in 31 BC; this volume provides a vivid account of the innovative civilization of the Hellenistic world.

#44609 in Books Mariner Books 2006-02-20 2006-02-20Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.25 x .98 x 5.50l; .95 #File Name: 0618619585432 pagesMariner Books

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Jim Lovell's Last FlightBy ddsreaderI purchased this book to get Jim Lovell's perspective on the events that took place throughout the mission. Previously published as "Lost Moon"; the new preface and epilogue are new. The viewpoint from the ground and space are intertwined so that you get to feel the emotion and tension that was building not only in NASA and the Lovell; Haise; and Swigert households; but also across the country. How were the astronauts going to get back alive with little oxygen and no power within the Command Module? Why did the Command Module continue to drift off course during its return back to Earth? All of these questions are answered within this story. Mr. Lovell and Mr. Kluger provide in-depth descriptions of what went on inside the Command Module and also the Lunar Module as it was being used as a "lifeboat" for the crew to stay alive. There is also great background information on Mr. Lovell and how he entered the astronaut program; as well as brief background info on Haise and Swigert. If you didn't know the story was part of American space history; you would think it was a great piece of fiction. Obviously it's not. Although most people know the ending of this story; the book is very well written and moves along at a pretty good rate.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Love it; but why the re-brand?By BillThis book is absolutely great; I actually bought "The Lost Moon" when I was just 8 years old at Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntstville Alabama. Somewhere in the last few years I lost the original copy. I ordered this one as a replacement and it just came today; I got to say the original cover art was much better than this.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. If you liked the'll enjoy the book.By CustomerAlways enjoyed the movie and finally got around to reading Lovell's book. The movie tracked the book remarkably closely. Enjoyed the read though. Good stuff.

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