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America's Great Debate: Henry Clay; Stephen A. Douglas; and the Compromise That Preserved the Union

ebooks America's Great Debate: Henry Clay; Stephen A. Douglas; and the Compromise That Preserved the Union by Fergus M. Bordewich in History


This single-volume book provides students; educators; and politicians with an update to the classic Carey McWilliams work North From Mexico. It provides up-to-date information on the Chicano experience and the emergent social dynamics in the United States as a result of Mexican immigration.• Provides readers with an in-depth understanding of the changing demographics of the Mexican immigrant population in the United States• Analyzes the major trends in U.S. immigration; including anti-immigrant policies; issues facing the unauthorized immigrant population; and the development of the immigrant rights movement• Examines the complex interrelationship between Mexican immigrants and later generations of U.S.-born Mexican Americans and the U.S. political system• Covers important recent topics such as anti-immigration movements; language debates like Prop 227 and other anti-immigrant legislation that address the education of Spanish speakers; cultural developments and art of Mexican Americans; and the changing economic outlook for Mexican immigrants• Offers the latest information on the complex interrelationship between Mexican immigrants and later generations of U.S.-born Mexican Americans

#854162 in Books 2013-04-16 2013-04-16Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.25 x 1.30 x 6.12l; 1.14 #File Name: 1439124612496 pages

39 of 39 people found the following review helpful. Illuminating; page turning historic work of the first order!By Steve CrawfordBelieve me; I hadn't been thinking a whole lot about the Compromise of 1850 lately but an excellent review of this book in the Wall Street Journal piqued my interest -making me realize how little I actually knew about that crucial time; less yet how pivotal the events were in American History and how integral they were to the Civil War 10 years later. Not only does this book read like a gripping novel; but it provided me with a truly new and genuinely expanded understanding of how the US arrived at the War Between the States! 1850 was just the first skirmish; so to speak; a first spark that was extinguished; unlike the next spark that would engulf the nation. But yet more enlightening for me was the concept that had the war actually begun in 1850 there is a strong likelihood that the Confederates could have emerged victorious!The insights into the workings of Congress alone are worth the price of admission. And; oh; what a cast of characters that jump from the pages full of life: Stephen A.Douglas; Jefferson Davis; Millard Fillmore; Henry Clay; John C Calhoun; Daniel Webster; Sam Houston. I have to quote a line here from the dust jacket that says it all: "A peerless narrative of one of the most momentous --and ambiguous- episodes in American History: the compromise that both saved the Union and; ultimately; destroyed it."Now; lately; I'm thinking about the Compromise of 1850 a lot thanks to this marvelous historical tome. Highly recommended.5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. If You Think Politics is Troublesome Today...By PaulFergus M. Bordewich brings an excellent history and story of the great debate of 1850; which saved the Union but at the same time; I feel; showed that the United States could not continue to develop complex compromises for many more years before it would be torn apart.There is an excellent cast of characters; most notably Henry Clay at the end of his career and life; Stephen Douglas; Jefferson Davis; Daniel Webster; John C. Calhoun; and others of great statesmanship; superb oratory; and intensely opinionated regarding their views on slavery; and its containment or expansion.As you read through this book; you understand that the South was not interested in compromise; and certainly not in being a part of a Union that they felt was set up against them. I suppose that a bloody civil war was unavoidable and so it came about a little more than a decade later. No matter how stirring the prose; the oratory; the reasoning; and the appealing; it is evident that the nation was bent on self destruction. For those who would argue that the war was not about slavery; this book will certainly expel that idea. It was totally about slavery; and while it may have been disguised in states rights; it was about slavery.This book is a good companion to We Have the War Upon Us: The Onset of the Civil War; November 1860-April 1861 and provides excellent background material to help the reader understand that by the end of 1860; after the Lincoln election and prior to the inaugural; we were destined to be divided and resolve the political differences on the battlefields that proved to be the deadliest war in our history.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. INDEPENDENCE THOUGHT AND THOSE WHO FORWARDED ITBy richard e whitelockAmerica's fight for its independence was much alike a brewing tea kettle. It simmered for many decades in the mind and hearts of our most notable leaders. Many went on to fame and fortune such as John Adams; Thomas Jefferson; Madison; Hamilton and Monroe. Others were left to cleanup the unfinished work of our Founding Fathers such as Lincoln had to face with the slavery issue. Washington was the grand daddy of them all and Sam Adams became the true Founding Father of the American Revolution. But there were so many just barely seen and heard of. I thinks of Patrick Henry; Henry Clay; Otis Smith; John Dickenson; Dr's Rush and Warren; and so many other patriots who have succumbed to the twilight of this mostly long forgotten history of America's struggle for its independence. And how about Thomas Payne. Withoujt his masterpiece entitled Of Common Sense; we might still be under the control of England today.So here's a chance to read about those men of lesser fame who none the less nailed in a spike that held the American Dream together. Great thoughts delivered by great scholars of their time can be found between the pages of this book. Read and enlighten yourself as to the depth and passion of our early pioneers of a dream that shook the world and maintains its influence even until today. I think you will finish this book with an even m ore profound appreciation for our early fathers if not a complete revival of their of their accomplishments during very trying times. A good read and certainly this book deserves to be a part of your library.

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