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American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us

audiobook American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us by Robert D. Putnam; David E. Campbell in History


In the first multi-volume biography of Abraham Lincoln to be published in decades; Lincoln scholar Michael Burlingame offers a fresh look at the life of one of America’s greatest presidents. Incorporating the field notes of earlier biographers; along with decades of research in multiple manuscript archives and long-neglected newspapers; this remarkable work will both alter and reinforce current understanding of America’s sixteenth president. In volume 2; Burlingame examines Lincoln’s presidency and the trials of the Civil War. He supplies fascinating details on the crisis over Fort Sumter and the relentless office seekers who plagued Lincoln. He introduces readers to the president’s battles with hostile newspaper editors and his quarrels with incompetent field commanders. Burlingame also interprets Lincoln’s private life; discussing his marriage to Mary Todd; the untimely death of his son Willie to disease in 1862; and his recurrent anguish over the enormous human costs of the war.

#184442 in Books Robert D Putnam 2012-02-21 2012-02-21Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.25 x 1.30 x 6.12l; 1.70 #File Name: 1416566732720 pagesAmerican Grace How Religion Divides and Unites Us

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. American GraceBy GrandmaExcellente!!!! How can America be so diverse and not be so divisive? This is something the book asks in its final chapter.Very interesting topics and the vignettes were very helpful in bringing home the points or topics the chapters tried to make.Not only did they help bring home a point they made it more meaningful and relevant. The authors feel that perhaps religion is not as divisive as are politics and racial and ethnic topics; but that remains to be seen.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Excellent book regarding religion and the importance of it as ...By chaseExcellent book regarding religion and the importance of it as an institution in American Political life. A refreshing view compared to the likes of Richard Dawkins or Krakaurer's "Under the Banner Of Heaven"0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Though provokingBy M. HarmisonFantastic book! Some startling and unexpected findings that challenge conventional wisdom. Helps explain a lot about us.

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