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Air Power: A Global History

ebooks Air Power: A Global History by Jeremy Black in History


Western civilisation is on a path to destruction. In coming decades; economies will shrink; democracy will retreat and nations crumble. The long-term result will be grinding poverty; superstition and disease. This isn't scaremongering it is science. In Biohistory: The Decline and Fall of the West; Dr Jim Penman; PhD; details a revolutionary new theory about why civilizations collapse. For the first time; Penman directly links human biology with the rise and fall of civilisations a cataclysmic relationship that brought the Romans; the ancient Greeks and all other Empires to their knees. Based on pioneering scientific research; Penman reveals the deadly; invisible forces at play across human and animal history and why the West will be the next victim. Biohistory makes use of the latest findings in epigenetics; the study of how the environment affects our genes. Presented in easy-to-digest language; it draws on history; biology; anthropology and economics to explain the real drivers of social change and how evolutionary mechanisms designed to adapt animal social behaviour to changing food conditions determine the fate of civilisation. The West's only hope of avoiding catastrophe lies with the biological sciences; but is it already too late to change the course of history?

#825712 in Books Black Jeremy 2016-03-10Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 9.37 x 1.02 x 6.25l; .0 #File Name: 1442250968386 pagesAir Power A Global History

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