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A Nice Little Place on the North Side: A History of Triumph; Mostly Defeat; and Incurable Hope at Wrigley Field

PDF A Nice Little Place on the North Side: A History of Triumph; Mostly Defeat; and Incurable Hope at Wrigley Field by George Will in History


The former Russian leader who dismantled his country's empire offers his long-awaited autobiography; recounting his extraordinary rise within the Party; his disenchantment with communism; his relations with the U.S.; and his attempt to create a peaceful revolution. 35;000 first printing. $35;000 ad/promo.

#319407 in Books George F Will 2015-03-17 2015-03-17Original language:EnglishPDF # 1 8.00 x .60 x 5.20l; .0 #File Name: 0385349335224 pagesA Nice Little Place on the North Side A History of Triumph Mostly Defeat and Incurable Hope at Wrigley Field

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. A love letter to Wrigley and the CubsBy skeeterbugI'm not really a fan of baseball in general and the Cubs in particular. With two younger brothers and my dad; I was exposed to WAAAYYYY too much baseball as a child. Cubs; White Sox and Yankees. It was enough to drive a girl crazy. As an adult; I have figured out that life already supplies enough disappointment without having to cheer for the Cubs too (It's bad enough that I am a Bears fan). That being said; I LOVED this book. It's a love letter to and about a mythical baseball field and an inept team from a lifelong fan. It's a great history on the Cubs and the field as well. It's written very tongue in cheek in the wry style that is unique to George Will and I giggled out loud throughout the book. Yes; Will makes fun of the Cub's ineptitude (how can you NOT?) but it's clear he is a devoted (deranged?) Cub fan who loves his team and their field. HIGHLY recommend for baseball lovers in general and you Cub fans in particular.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Great writing; a can't miss for baseball fans; but I wish it hada little more of this and a little less of thatBy CustomerWill is a terrific sports writer. He inserts some side stories that may be interesting to non-sports fans (who may have bought the book because they know his other writings and are not baseball fans); but were a distraction. He certainly knows his Cubbie history but I would have enjoyed reading more about the Cubs of my youth (especially about the last war year with Swish Niicholson; Phil Cavaretta; Stan Hack and Claude Passeau; and especially about Hank Borowy whom the Yankees let go to the Cubs for the waiver price because--we shocked Yankee fans were told--Borowy was sure to have a hay fever attack in the last half of the season that would make him valueless (he was 11-2 with the Cubs); he could have written about the Jack Benny running "Greenberg is on third" joke about that world series. He could have included "You Know Me; Al" references and; most of all; explained the "Merkle curse"--resulting from the Cubs stolen win against the Gi'nts and their consequent last world series victory--that dooms the Cubs to never win another series. My point is that Will has a great book about the Wrigleys and their "park"; Ernie Banks; Vaughn/Toney; and all; but I wish he would have spent just a little less time on such as the all important--but marginal here--history of beer in the US in his explanation of how the Cubbies keep the turnstiles turning. A can't miss if you are a baseball fan but--for me--it could have been better.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy STEPHANIE SMITH-WILKEYLove this book. We are CUBS fans!!!

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